monday...too much to do today!
I was recalling the fleece hats for the homeless that some friends and I made and donated last year and I found this website
I think I'll work on getting some people together to do some blankets.
I saw the first hint of christmas the other day...(I am embarassed to say that my first thought of christmas came from a stinking tv commercial but was a commercial for some food product but it included a shot of a house perfectly decorated with big bulb lights and snowmen and a christmas tree glowing in the window)...maybe it will snow this year
we went out for halloween last night, relaxed and had great chili at lori's and walked with jenna, trevor and mary ann and watched dorothy and ellie run from house to house hopped up on was great
this hymn really hit me in church yesterday
help us accept each other
as christ accepted us
teach us as sister brother
each person to embrace
be present lord among us
we are ourselves accepted
and meant to love and live
teach us o lord your lessons
as in our daily life
we struggle to be human
and search for hope and faith
teach us to care for people
for all not just for some
to love them as we find them
or as they may become
let your acceptance change us
so that we may be moved
in living situations
to do the truth in love
to practice your acceptance
until we know by heart
the table of forgiveness
and laughter's healing art
lord for todays encounters
with all who are in need
who hunger for acceptance
for righteousness and bread
we need new eyes for seeing
new hands for holding on
renew us with your spirit
lord free us make us one
I am usually struggling so hard to sing the hymns at church that the meaning is probably often lost on me but this just really struck a chord in simple yet so damn hard to really grasp.